How Tennis Rackets Are Manufactured

How Tennis Rackets Are Manufactured

9th Jun 2021

How Tennis Rackets Are Manufactured

No matter how well you care for your tennis racket, its effectiveness ultimately comes down to how well its manufacturer made it. At the same time, tennis rackets are essential to a player’s success; even a great player’s performance will diminish if they use a lackluster racket. Read the walkthrough below to learn how tennis rackets are manufactured to perfection.

Forming the Frame

Once a racket manufacturer has a design in place, they must gather the necessary materials for building the frame. The frame on a tennis racket contains strong materials, such as fiberglass, carbon fiber, Kevlar, and resin. These materials start as strips, which the facility layers until they have enough to build the racket. Once the crude frame is ready, it spends time sitting in a racket-shaped mold, ensuring it matches precise dimensions.

Warming the Frame

The mold then undergoes a heating process to cure the carbon fiber and other frame materials. During this step, the frame materials toughen up, creating a more durable, stable product. The length of time in which a manufacturer warms the mold varies. Some only heat the racket for 20 minutes, while others keep it in the oven closer to 30 minutes.

Sanding, Polishing, and Drilling

After popping the rackets out of the mold, imperfections can still be present. As a result, they typically undergo sanding and polishing. Once the frames look sleek and clean, the manufacturing employees fill the racket’s hollow interior with foam. Next, all rackets must go through a drilling phase. They gain the holes necessary for holding the strings successfully through this step.

The Finishing Touches

Finally, employees put the finishing touches on the product by installing the strings and providing any additional material they need for the handle. Much like the racket warming time, the specific finishing touches can vary between manufacturers slightly. After a thorough testing phase, manufacturers make rackets available for casual and pro tennis players alike.

Now that you know how tennis rackets are manufactured, you understand the process this equipment endures to deliver top-level performance. Although rackets are durable, they aren’t invincible. This is why we have storage carts among our selection of tennis court supplies. Keeping rackets in good condition means you can ensure optimal performance during your next match, so long as they come from a reliable supplier.