How To Choose a Tennis Net for Your Court

How To Choose a Tennis Net for Your Court

29th Dec 2020

How To Choose a Tennis Net for Your Court

Once you install a tennis court, you should be meticulous with your net choice. From the material to the thickness of that material, there are a few factors that will play a role in the functionality and longevity of your court’s net. To help you avoid making costly mistakes, we’ll go through the basics of how to choose a tennis net for your court.

Consider Your Court Size

The first factor to consider when buying a net is the size of your tennis court. The standard size for a tennis court net is 42 feet long. Unfortunately, not everyone’s court size will be the same.

During the installation process, you might have to construct a smaller court to accommodate certain onsite issues. So, if you’ve had to make adjustments like this, make sure you’re investing in a net that you can custom fit to your specifications. When it comes to sizing your tennis net, keep in mind that the side posts should typically extend three feet beyond the border of the court.

High-Quality Net Materials

When you’re choosing a net, look for the two P’s: polyethylene and polyester. The reason these two materials are so effective for your net is their ability to withstand the elements. Whereas lesser materials will fall victim to wear and fading due to elements such as UV radiation, polyethylene and polyester won’t be so fragile.

Net Cord Thickness

There are a few different terms to describe the center of the net itself, though cord, cable, and yarn are the most common. Whatever you choose to call it, make sure to buy a tennis net that has cords thick enough to remain intact for quite some time. Typically, you should aim for a cord thickness of about 3 to 3.5 mm.

Single or Double Braids

Public courts are typically used more frequently than private courts. If you have a tennis court that’s going to see a lot of playtime, you’ll need a net with double braids. What’s great about double-braided nets is that they reinforce the upper six layers of the net.

Aside from protecting the material against ball impact, this reinforcement helps the ball land near the net when it makes contact. At-home courts can take advantage of double-braided nets, but courts that will see extensive use require this style the most.

Knowing how to choose a tennis net for your court will help you create the perfect environment for playing the game. Given the versatility of a good tennis court, you should consider seeking out some good portable pickleball nets as well. With a small collection of suitable nets for multiple activities, you can use your tennis court to its full potential.