Why It's Important to Keep Your Tennis Court in Great Shape

16th Apr 2019

hopper carts

If you're a tennis fan and love to play, you know the worst part is picking up the tennis balls that have scattered around the court during practice or a match. Luckily, tennis ball hoppers and hopper carts can make toting the tennis balls you need around easier and vastly help with tennis court cleanup afterwards. Given that the standard tennis courts are almost 80 feet in length, and between 27 to 36 feet wide depending on what kind of match you're playing, it's a lot of ground to cover if you need to clean up after! Tennis ball hoppers and hopper carts are especially helpful if you're playing in a shared area or one that asks you to pick up after yourself when you're finished -- like at a gym or community tennis court. 

How Do Tennis Ball Hoppers Work?

This is an ingenious device for collecting tennis balls that are scattered around a court after a practice. With this and hopper carts, you can retrieve and reuse the balls used during a match or practice.

A basket made of wire or metal stores the balls and the removable top (for easy access) latches to prevent balls from spilling out. Most hopper carts also have a few handles. The best part about the ball hopper is that one doesn't have to bend in order to get the balls. The space at the bottom of the hopper is just big enough that by pushing down on a ball with the hopper, the ball suctions up through the bottom and into the basket, but aren't so big that the ball can fall back out afterwards.

Why Is Tennis Such a Good Sport?

The Tennis Industry Association reported that participation rose about 1%, with almost 18 million players enjoying the sport now. There are a few reasons why tennis participation might be up and why it's a great time for tennis court owners!

It's an extremely active sport and even if you're just playing for fun, it can burn almost 170 calories on average in a half hour for a woman and over 200 calories in the same amount of time for a man. Staying active can also reduce your risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and help manage your weight.

Hand-eye coordination is also important with tennis, and can be a great (and fun) way to improve in that area! Plus, it can help strengthen your muscles and bones.

It's also a nice group activity and can keep your competitive edge sharp. And almost all ages can play the sport -- from little kids to older adults. It can also be a great way to meet new people and make friends.

On a mental level, tennis can help you improve your problem-solving skills and give your brain power a little boost. Plus, being active and with others can provide a welcome respite from everyday stressors and help you feel rejuvenated and more relaxed after a session.

What Other Tennis Supplies Are Needed?

Tennis court dividers and tennis court nets are crucial to the game. You want to look for strong netting and good tennis court net posts that are sturdy. You should also make sure that if you provide racquets, balls, and other equipment, that you have adequate storage for them that's organized and watertight.

Tennis rollers can help keep the court nice and firm and drag mats are always good to have on hand. Adding court benches for spectators and wastebaskets at entrances and exits are always also appreciated!

Making sure that your court is in good condition is crucial to have people return. However, keeping your tennis court well stocked and well equipped is just as important -- people will definitely return again and again!

Take advantage of the growing interest in tennis and stock up your courts! Ball hoppers and racquet carts can be little amenities that can wind up making a huge difference with players.