Why Tennis Court Orientation is So Important

Why Tennis Court Orientation is So Important

20th May 2021

Why Tennis Court Orientation is So Important

Tennis players hone their reflexes to stay ready and effective on the court. However, some issues can arise, no matter your tennis skill level. If you have the sun beaming in your direction while playing, it can throw off your plays immensely. Don’t worry; below, we’ll detail exactly why tennis court orientation is so important. As you’ll learn below, understanding the type of court you’re playing on will help you prepare for each match effectively.

The purpose of proper court orientation is to minimize the negative effects of the sun during play. Specifically, improper orientation can result in sun glares distracting players and harsh shadows obscuring the baselines and sidelines. In other words, if the court orientation is off, navigating the court is harder than it should be.

To make the most out of each swing and serve, players should have full visibility during matches. Luckily, the method for retaining visibility is simple—stick to courts with a north-south orientation. Most folks like to play tennis during the day, whether it be in the early morning or late afternoon.

During those times of day, courts with an east-west orientation will fall victim to intense sun glares. The sun doesn’t sit in one position during the day, so its glare on east-west courts will only affect one side of the court at a time, but that doesn’t make the issue any less obtrusive or frustrating. On the other hand, north-south orientation will ensure both players have equal protection from the sun and its shadows during each match.

As you can see, learning the reasons why tennis court orientation is so important is more impactful than beginners realize. Having additional court equipment such as tennis court benches is essential, but there are more detailed ways to optimize courts for fair, fun matches. Knowing what you’re in for before every tennis match is beneficial to your plan of attack, so always take court orientation into account before playing. If you don’t account for shadows or sun glare, your game plan can go south fast.